
This is just amazing!!!

You must go and check this out……

a clock made from People!!!



Here’s a short article to help improve your skin’s dryness and aging especially thru the winter. It also includes the vitamins that help to improve your skin.

read more | digg story

Fighting Your Giants

“What you believe….. you will achieve” is a famous quote.

WHAT do YOU Believe about yourself…?

Here’s a challange for you….. I dare you.

I double Dare you!

Watch this a second time.  Seriously!

And while watching it, think about what “wrong thought” Giant is holding you back from achieving your next goal.


And remember….. change your mind….change your life.  Period.

Aaron Russo joins Alex Jones for a fascinating sit-down in depth video interview on a plethora of important subjects. Aaron begins by describing how the draconian and mafia tactics of Chicago police woke him up to the fact that America wasn’t free after his nightclub was routinely raided and he was forced to pay protection money.

Aaron and Alex then cover a broad range of topics including the private run for profit federal reserve, Aaron’s experience in the late 80’s with the IRS when they retroactively passed laws to punish silver and gold traders, the real meaning of the word “democracy,” what really happened on 9/11 and Aaron’s relationship with Nick Rockefeller, who personally tried to recruit him on behalf of the CFR.

Aaron also relates how Rockefeller told him that the elite created women’s liberation to destroy the family and how they want to ultimately microchip and control the entire population. Rockefeller also told before 9/11 Russo that an unexpected “event” would catalyze the U.S. to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

Get a Clue?

Well just in case all you faithful readers hadn’t noticed, I’ve been out of the loop of posting to my blog for about the last 3 weeks.  And “why” you ask me?  (awhh, you’re so caring)  The simple truth is that I didn’t get a clue from my own last post about needing more sleep.  Yes, that was the demise of me

I kept going and going and going.  Like the little Energizer bunny…. without adequate food or sleep, or barely a moment to answer the call of nature.  I just worked until I literally dropped off my computer chair, and got up in the morning and started the craziness all over again.  And so it went…… until!!!   I caught a cold, which in my rundown condition, escalated with lightening speed into pneumonia.  Even still I kept telling everyone that “I was getting better”.  Hah!

My husband phoned me during his drive home from the deer camp, and told me that if I wasn’t better by the time he got home he was making an appointment for me with my physician.  Well guess where I was that next Monday afternoon?  You got it!  In the doctors office getting the diagnosis along with three different prescriptions to help me to recover quickly.  Let me say “hah!” one more time.

I don’t know how you are with medications that are supposed to make you feel better?  But for me I sometimes wonder, in fact quite often,  if the side effects of the medicines are even worsethan the sickness itself.  I not only now was suffering with the all that goes with a serious bout of pneumonia, but I also had the nasty side effects of a steroid “puffer” I was required to inhale twice a day.  And a bronchial/lung liquid medication I also was to inhale with a Nebulizer machine that made this liquid into a mist, four times a day.  And lastly an antibiotic, once a day.  Of these three, it was only the antibiotic that actually cured me and without any side effects, I think?  The other two were so horrendous that I just wanted to roll over and die from their side effects, even tho the purpose of them was to help me ‘feel better’ while I was healing. 

The steroids, for those of you that have never had the experience, made me shake and vibrate like I was in a deep freeze for the last year.  Honestly!  I didn’t even answer the phone because my jaw quivered so badly that I sounded like someone with a stuttering problem.  My own children didn’t even recognize me if I answered when they called.  So this was not a ‘good-look’ for clients to hear when they called me regarding business information and questions.  

I also missed out on a Happy Thanksgiving dinner because I was too sick to really enjoy it.  I saw how that affected my family too.  They didn’t have mom doing the all the fussy things I usually do for our holiday feast.  Although my husband jumped in and cooked the meal as best he could, it just wasn’t the same…… for any of us.

So I say to all you work-a-holics and over-achievers like me, take a hint from the person who knows the most about you.  YOU!  Yes, it is only you yourself that knows when you’ve had enough and have seriously pushed yourself beyond your own limits.  Stop!  Please don’t try to do just that little bit more.  It’ll become a mouse maze you can’t get out of.   It’ll be the addiction  you can’t kick.   It will only lead you to your ruin.  And what will be your reward in the end?   Loss.   Loss of revenue due to lost time at your work.  Lost clients.   And most of all, the loss of the momentum and the great feelings/energy you had when you were well and at the top of your game. 

Here is one of the greatest Secrets to Life, and yet a very simple one:  Take care of you!  No one can ever replace you.  No one can do what you do, nor in the same way that you do it.  There is only one “you”, so take care of yourself the very best that you can.   

Let’s Try Sleep

Why is it that no matter how hard I try to have everything done by a “reasonable” time  there is still way more to finish than I have time for.  I work consistantly each day to reach my goals and yet there are always things that I just don’t have the time to finish.  It’s late, and I’m tired.  And I don’t want to push these things into the next day.  I really wanted to get them all done today. 

Oh, please tell me….. am I the only one who has this problem?  Is is me?  Am I causing this to happen?  What could I change? 

I’ve read many times that it is very important to keep your life in balance.  O my goodness, what does that mean these days?  Does anyone really have a balanced life from day to day?  It seems that one thing or another is missing the needed attention it deserves.  There’s  husbands, and wives, and children, and work, and friends, and more family, and meetings, and chores, and errands, and school, and practices, and appointments, and pets, and homes, and cars, and this, and that, and the list will never end! 

I’ve even spent large sums of money to attend seminars on how to achieve this illusional thing called balance.  And yes, even tho at the time it all made perfect sense (and in theory still does right now) I just can’t seem to pull it off. 


Did you know that Americans work 50% to 75% more than people in all the other industrialized countries?  And we spend far less time on leasure activities than they do.  What’s wrong with this picture?  And what happened to the “good ole days” as we once said. Hah!

I think I know.   But I would only be posting my personal opinion, and in my current state of mind, I don’t think it would make a whole lot of sense…… but maybe???  No, I won’t go there tonight.  I need sleep….

But if there is anyone out there reading this that has a theory, or even a vague idea of what’s happening, pa-leeze leave me a comment and I will be eternally greatful to you.

Life.  Love.  Money.   

Do we every have them in perfect harmony?

Oh no! what will I do…..

This used to be a serious issue for me, as it was for many women not so long ago.  Our husbands were leaving for a week (or more) for deer hunting season , and we’d be on our own….. alone.  Oh no! how will we cope?!

That was then and this is now:  Hurray!  I will finally have some free “uninterrupted” time to myself.  Words cannot express the anticipation I feel as he goes thru the rituals of packing and preparing for this manly journey.   

 I on the other hand cannot wait to say Good-bye and shut the door.  Oh of course, I will (with a slightly sad face) waive from the window as he drives off.  But once he’s gone I will thoroughly enjoy the peaceful days to follow. 

 Because I was a stay at home mom for most of the years that my children were growing up, the males in this family have a difficult time understanding that I have a life now.  And still, even tho I’ve been working from home for over 3 years, don’t get it.  They just don’t understand that when they ask me to do something (that they could very well do for themselves) and I say, “no I can’t right now, I’m busy”, that it’s the truth!  They look at me like I must on drugs or something, and then will ask me in a tone of total disbelief, “why not? what are you doing that’s so important?”  Ugh! 

So this next week will be my Deer Season’s Blessing.  No one will expect me to make a sandwich, find their cell phone, go grab his truck keys (which are never where he tells me he left them), take his phone messages, look for his hat, come help him hoist up “this or that” thing which usually weighs twice what I do!  Cuz the littler things he can lift by himself. 

He won’t be here to ask “what’s for dinner?” as he walks in the door and sees me still workingat my desk.  Dah?  And this is an intelligent man, seriously. 

Will I miss him…… yes, at times.  But for the most part, the week will fly by way too fast and he will be home again; talking a mile a minute about amazing stories from deer camp and the hunt. Bringing in tons of laundry to be washed, leftover food to be taken care of, and of course wild, hairy, bloody meat to be cut up and packaged in my spotless kitchen.

But he is soooo happy, and that in turn makes me happy too.  And so life goes on….

Did I mention I’ll get to shop for as long as I want?!  🙂


made me quite sad, and caused me to think back to many years ago when my kids were still at home and life was crazy busy all the time.  Today I read a post from a young high school girl from way across the oceans in another country, another world…. maybe China, or Japan? And yet what I read sounded just like what I would hear from many young people today.  What I might have heard from my own children if I`d have taken the time to really listen to them.  If I would`ve taken a little more time to ask, to probe, to find out how they really felt about life at home with Mom.

This young girl (let`s just say she`s from China) was obviously posting to her friends, but what she wrote was an eye opener for me.  She talked poetically about how she wished her mom had more time for her.  That she understood that mom`s job took everything out of her and mom was exhausted when she finally made it home.  About how this teenager so desperately wanted her mom to tell her how she could help, and what she should do, or could do to make it better.  Because she just wanted to hear her mother laugh like she used to, and be happy to spend some time with her.  ‘mom, just talk to me….. show me that you notice me, that you care that I`m even here.’ 

Then I read her remorse…. how bitterly sad.  Such pain in her words.   She went on to say that she just didn`t know what to do, or maybe there wasn`t anything she could do.  And how she detested coming home knowing that no one would even care.  No one would seem to notice her.  Life just went on.   She continued to go on about school, grades, graduation, college, and the like.  All of which she seemed so depressed about.  I kept thinking that this time of her life should be the happiest, most carefree time she`d ever have!  Her friend`s help was to tell the young girl to ‘hang in there and try to be happy’…..hmp?  Sounds a little hollow.

I thought of how life was with my own family when my kids were little.  Five of them at all ages and stages of childhood.  What would they have told me if I would`ve taken the time to ask?  I was a busy mom too, and caught up in the routine of running a big family, trying to make ends meet, and above all…. keeping the peace!  But what if…..? 

So today I want to tell each and every parent that the most important thing in the world is YOUR CHILD.  Not the house you live in, not the money you earn, not the car you drive.  None of this will ever matter to them, if it`s killing you to get.  If they are missing out on YOU right now, then it`s not worth it.  Children of all ages want to know that they matter to you.  That they are the most important to you, above anything else in your world.  You can`t buy this, and you can never go back to replace it where it was missed either.   So don`t make this mistake now, if you have children still at home.  Take advantage of those precious moments, or make time for them, and talk with your son/daughter and tell them that you couldn`t live with out them in your life.  That your world would come crashing down around you if they were not it every day.  And I know that this is the truth, just ask any parent who has lost a child.  Ask them what they would do differently if they were given a second chance.

Well today I`d say that the Secret to a Happy Life is:  Appreciation.   If you will remember to appreciate your family and loved ones, and let them know that you do, your life will be exceedingly happy.   Because as you help those you care for to feel happy, loved, appreciated and accepted, so will this splash back on you.  It`s the design of the Universe.  ‘as you give, so shall it be given unto you….’   It`s a sure thing, guaranteed!

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